Thursday, April 7, 2011

Iran and the GCC - What's Next?

Prof. Nader Habibi
Middle East Brief 45, November 2010


In June 2010 the United Nations approved a fourth round of sanctions against Iran. One of the most important areas where these sanctions have been effective has been in Iran's trade with Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries. In this Brief, Prof. Nader Habibi offers an overview of Iran’s economic ties with its GCC neighbors since 1980 and the ways in which these relations have been affected by the new cooperation of GCC countries with the current round of UN and US sanctions against Iran.



Is Iran Interfering in the GCC's Internal Affairs? (Roubini Global Economics)

Iran denounced Saudi Arabia’s military support of the Bahrain monarchy, inflaming the Iranian-Saudi rivalry, while other Gulf states took a negative view of Iran’s intrusion into regional politics—Arab states are known to support military intervention to end Iran’s nuclear program.

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