Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Energy Sector Research and Development expenditures (Alberta Oil)

Cenovus, Imperial Oil at the head of the class in R & D spending

But oil and gas industry trails other sectors in funding innovation
February 19, 2013
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Hey, Big Spenders

Top Five Canadian R&D Spenders 2011
Top Five Oil and Gas R&D Spenders 2011
Source: Research Infosource Inc., a division of the Impact Group

Four Big Flops

CCS – Pioneer
Proponents TransAlta Corp., Capital Power Corp. and Enbridge Inc. said last year they would not proceed with a carbon capture and storage scheme at the Keephills 3 power plant west of Edmonton, opting to pay penalties for emissions rather than sell them at a loss.
Opti Canada’s OrCrude
It falls to China’s CNOOC Ltd. to turn the perennially underperforming Long Lake oil sands project around. Poor reservoir conditions at the site wreaked havoc with Opti’s patented OrCrude system, which relied on heavy ends of the barrel leftover from upgrading as a fuel source to generate steam in a closed loop production system.
The underground bitumen barbecue pioneered by Petrobank Energy and Resources Ltd. has experienced its share of setbacks. The biggest came last year, when an operational hiccup forced the company to revise proven reserves at its Saskatchewan heavy oil property from three million barrels to zero.
E-T Energy
Calgary-based E-T Energy Ltd. panned the decision, but Alberta’s Energy Resources Conservation Board ultimately decided last year that the company’s electro-thermal stimulation technique for mobilizing bitumen wasn’t ready for the big time. Specifically, the board questioned whether the technology “is capable of obtaining or sustaining commercial bitumen production rates.”

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