Thursday, May 6, 2010

America's Energy CrossRoads (DotEarth - NYTimes)

May 5, 2010, 10:02 PM

America’s Energy Crossroads

Daniel Botkin
Daniel Botkin
 Daniel B. Botkin, a widely respected ecologist and author of noted books on environmental history philosophy and science, has turned his attention to energy, with a new book charting one path to a prosperous post-fossil future in which energy is abundant but not a source of environmental ills. The book, “ Powering The Future: A Scientist’s Guide to Energy Independence” has just been published by Pearson FT Press.
I’ve been in touch with Botkin for years and we traded e-mails in the past week, reflecting on the continuing spill of oil in the Gulf of Mexico.
Here’s an essay from Botkin reflecting on ways to move toward a sustained expansion of clean energy technology after generations of energy policies shaped by abundant supplies of coal and oil and disregard for their indirect impacts. I don’t agree with all of his views (for instance, the costs he describes below will almost assuredly remain a hard sell even if events conspire to support a leader seeking to make energy a keystone priority). Have a read and weigh in. I’ll encourage him to respond and I will, too.
“Potato Creek Johnny” and Energy Independence
Daniel B. Botkin (© 2010)
Seventeen-year-old  Potato Creek Johnny arrived in Deadwood, South Dakota, in 1883 and began prospecting for gold. It only took him 25 years to strike pay dirt — discovering the largest gold nugget ever. Made famous, he kept prospecting, hoping for the next big find, for the rest of his 77 years. He had a policy for seeking natural resources: hope without information. You would think in this scientific age we would have governments that had gotten beyond him, and used a rationalist’s policy: seek the best scientific information and take actions that, after careful analysis, would have the best chance of success.Read more…

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