Monday, May 3, 2010

And in Response to Sociopathic email from Wall Street - A Rebuttal (Dealbreaker)

  • 03 May 2010 at 12:21 PM
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Dear Wall Street Defender. . .

Here’s one self-described Republican responding to the email that went around last week. Thoughts?
Dear Wall Street Defender,
Your e-mail is one of the most idiotic and immature things I’ve ever read. Hatred of Wall Street is not confined to people with low incomes. Nor is it confined to socialism-loving Democrats. (Enriching yourself with gambles backed by implicit government insurance is hardly a shining example of “free-market capitalism.”) I’m a lifelong Republican with a mid-six-figure income, and I root every day for Goldman to be shut down.
You generously offer to landscape our lawns and educate our children, while implying that such jobs are too menial for someone with your supposedly high level of intelligence and ambition. Here are some other careers you might find more suitable:
* Become a doctor, and help care for our aging population.
* Become an entrepreneur, and run a company that creates value instead of just capturing it.
* Become a scientist or engineer, and help devised a solution for our energy problems.
You put on a tough-guy act, but I’m not buying it. I think you feel terrible for what you’ve done. Only a psychopath could assist in the near-destruction of the world economy the way you have without feeling guilty about it.
My advice to you, Wall Street Defender, is go back to school, get a degree that will allow you to get rich while making a productive contribution to our economy, and start your career over.
One of the Billions of Wall Street Haters

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