Thursday, May 6, 2010

Deep Thoughts from HBR (HBR) - excerpt only with source link

 A grateful life has no place for fear to hide.  If it seems impossible, find a way.  Continue on your travel.  You do not need to know the full extent of the destination.  The only limitations there are, are the ones you place upon yourself.  Walking on!

When Your Goal Is the Impossible

"As a mentor of mine reminds me, human beings are unique in our ability to achieve the impossible. Elephants don't do it. Gorillas don't. Mice don't. We humans live in a world where everything falls but we say, let's make things fly. The crying that ensues is an outgrowth of self-actualization. It is the profundity of experiencing the full depth of our human potential and it is unspeakably beautiful.
On the AIDS Rides we had a phrase for it: I'mpossible.
In my office, I keep two books out where I can see them: Inferno, James Nachtwey's horrific and heartbreaking photo documentations on the effects of genocide, AIDS, and starvation on nameless and forgotten human beings all around the world, and Full Moon, a collection of high-resolution Hasselblad images from the Apollo lunar missions.
The Nachtwey book makes me think of eradicating hunger in our lifetime — a task that seems impossible. The NASA book reminds me of one of the most impossible things humanity ever accomplished.
And they both make me cry.
No matter what you are trying to do, whether in business or charity or social enterprise, if the thought of it doesn't scare the hell out of you — and if imagining the manifestation of it doesn't make you cry — it isn't worthy of who you truly are."

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