Saturday, May 29, 2010

NOLA Letters to the Editor (

The updated news at is becoming more and more populated with Letters to the Editors expressing their dissatisfaction and downright disappointment with the BS that is being fed to the general public by BP and the Government.  Below I have provided a sample of the more recent postings.

So have argued that BP will survive this disaster just like Exxon and the Valdez spill.  Others says this might well be the end to this company, with lost market cap, and a complete obliteration of their reputation.  In viewing the 'live cam' this morning, the rising plume of oil/gas/mud/debris/etc. continues, seemingly unabated.  Each day that this goes on makes the circumstances more and more difficult for everyone and anyone, business, government and private citizens. 

BP, federal government don't shoot straight: A letter to the editor

By Letters to the Editor

May 29, 2010, 6:21AM
I am sick of the PR we have all been force-fed throughout the Deepwater Horizon crisis by BP and the United States of America. I find it far too coincidental that the real and much higher flow estimates just happen to come out just as the top kill began. I find it odd the president just happens to have a... Full story »

Louisiana leaders liked oil fine until now: A letter to the editor

By Letters to the Editor

May 29, 2010, 5:47AM
I would like to thank Bob Marshall for his opinion column ("Disaster, brought to you by deregulation," May 23) on the disaster unfolding in the Gulf and the sterling opportunity it has provided for more than the usual political hypocrisy. For 80 years Louisiana has sat up and begged whenever the oil companies whistled; they're already responsible for one slow-motion... Full story »

Gar and tar BP executives: A letter to the editor

By Letters to the Editor

May 29, 2010, 5:45AM
Back porch conversations in my neck of the woods lately have centered on how to publicly punish BP officials. We settled on this scenario: BP CEOs are first tarred in spilled oil, then feathered in blackened pelican feathers. They are then brought to Jackson Square, where they are first spanked with an alligator gar by Davis McAlary wearing a nutria... Full story »

Line of oil: A letter to the editor

By Letters to the Editor

May 29, 2010, 5:33AM
The Corps of Engineers has finally issued an emergency permit to build one 6-foot-high sand berm south of Scofield Island to protect Barataria Bay from the encroaching BP oil spill. The permit does not authorize construction of another five proposed berms requested by the state on May 11. The corps is delaying because its environmental impact study is incomplete. Perhaps... Full story »

Oil industry already deregulated: A letter to the editor

By Letters to the Editor

May 29, 2010, 5:19AM
In his opinion piece, "Oil disaster brought to you by deregulation," Bob Marshall compares the complex nature of offshore energy development to space exploration. In one sense he is correct-- both endeavors have paid massive dividends while operating in rugged conditions. No one knows this better than the millions of men and women who work in the oil and natural... Full story »

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