Saturday, August 7, 2010

Don't Worry, Everything is Fine. Go Vacation in Spain or Greece (Al Fin)

07 AUGUST 2010

Don't Worry, Everything is Fine. Go Vacation in Spain or Greece

Strange Dangers

The Coming Civil War over Public Pensions

Municipal Bond Apocalypse on the way

Case Study: Cincinnati For anyone who ever loved Cincinnati, it may be tough coming to put it in the same class of failure as Detroit. Before this cascading disaster plays out, few cities with more than 100,000 people will escape relatively unscathed. Think of it as an equal opportunity Hurricane Katrina that pays every state and most cities a visit.

At the federal level, things are no better. This PDF report from the CBO offers the merest hint of the underlying decay.

How long can government keep borrowing and spending?

No-money-down mortgages from Barney Frank's Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac set the stage for another banking crisis down the road. Time for Fannie and Freddie to go?

Well, you see, it's complicated . . . .

Here it is in a nutshell: American taxpayers are wrapped up in so many layers of government and bureaucracy that they cannot sneeze without asking permission first and then paying a fine. They are being sucked dry by a vampire ruling class which extends quite deeply into American society -- from cradle to grave and everywhere in between. The current monstrous, corrupt, and ever-grasping US government has almost nothing in common with the original US Constitution, or the ideas of the founders.

The private sector is shriveling under the incessant demands of the malignant growth of government, and the fat pigs feeding on the bloated perversion.

"Better run, better take cover" . . . Those in government and public service that you believe are watching out for you, are only watching out for themselves and their fat pensions. Don't get caught depending on a mindless bureaucracy that sees you as a means to their own end. Stop believing the lies of the ruling class and its mouthpieces. Act as your own person while you can.

Things can fall apart amazingly quickly.

[pod person transform]
Things are fine, now. Enjoy yourselves and trust in the authorities. They're here to help you and take care of you. Everything is under control in the world of hope and change. If you are feeling the blahs, take another vacation. Don't you feel better now?

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