Monday, November 29, 2010

A Flood of Memories

In 1977-79, I had a summer job as Supervisor of Aerial Tanker crew for the NWT Forest Service.  Part of our aircraft fleet included 2 Mitchell B-25s, each equipped with 800gal retardant tanks.  I flew in those planes and even got a chance to take my sister up with me for a joy ride one summer.  There are several side stories to this part of my experience including a couple of rather harrowing experiences with failed equipment and nasty downdrafts while on final for a drop.  But the exhilaration of the drop and subsequent catapult will last forever.  As does the cracking and popping of those monstrous radial engines.

Owner Of Ohio Airplane Graveyard Dies

Owner Of Ohio Airplane Graveyard DiesWalter Soplata, owner of the secret backyard Ohio warplane collection, died earlier this month at the age of 87. His family has not said what would happen to his cache, but several of his "saves" will fly again.
Soplata's collection was famed in parts of Ohio; the family had allowed visitors until recent years when his health began to decline. While the collection at one point may have numbered more than 60 planes, Soplata had sold several in recent years to cover bills. Among those was the B-25 Mitchell dubbed "Wild Cargo," which Soplata bought from a sheriff's auction after a 1963 crash in Cincinnati, where it was hauling snakes and alligators. Restored recently by Virginia-based Fighter Factory, the B-25 flies again, just as Soplata wanted:
(Thanks to Steve!)
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