Friday, May 18, 2012

STRATFOR and John Mauldin's Outside the Box | China, Economic Models and Trouble in Chongqing

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John Mauldin | May 18, 2012
There are political sides in America...and then there are political sides in the communist state of China. Here, it's a matter of the right and the left. In China, it's a matter of private enterprise and strong foreign investment versus highly centralized and debt-heavy state enterprise.
According to the geopolitical analysis company Stratfor, the left may be losing ground in China, and Beijing may be headed down an economic path that focuses on private enterprise. If the trend becomes the national strategy in the long term, this could mean greater room for private business in China.
You can see why it's important to follow events like this. Read the full article below. For those of you who aren't familiar with Stratfor, it is a company, founded by my friend George Friedman, that provides daily reports and analysis on global affairs. I read them daily and have procured a special discount on Stratfor subscriptions for OTB readers. << Check out the offer here>> – it includes a new book on the geopolitics of the BRICS nations.

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