Somali pirates drown with ransom share, Canada
Five Somalian pirates drowned and their share of a $3-million US ransom was lost at sea this week, residents and pirates in the Somali port of Harardhere ...
Five Somalian pirates drowned and their share of a $3-million US ransom was lost at sea this week, residents and pirates in the Somali port of Harardhere ...
USD a fad(ed) or (ing) giant in the world of currencies? Another dollar demise story? The dollar has certainly had its challenges of late with a peak in '85, and again '01, then mostly decline. A rally though started in the second week of July 08, only now again to have plunged again in early December. The bottom line? A huge current and projected US deficit, a runaway money supply and the real question is, will the US be solvent? (Thank you Nicholas Jones Doom and Gloom, Get it Straight!). What of the stories relating to the shift in trade denominated in currencies other the the USD. How serious could this be? Yves at Naked Capitalism gives us an awesome report (Chinese Central Bank to Test Program to Settle Trade in Yuan Rather Than Dollars).
Reaching for new lows on the morality scales, Brother Bernie actually ripped off his own 74 yr old sister, and then in a moment of giving, sent her some of the bootie of jewellery and "personal effects" as BLM's lawyer Ira Sorkin claims. This makes me cry. But then again, Uncle Bernie got to stay home for a least one more weekend. Seems like the Judge feels there is more to ponder and has said a decision revoking bail for Bernie won't be forthcoming until Monday @ noon. This is pure vitriol - caustic and corrosive to an already failing societal morality. This man should not be on house arrest, regardless of the US Constitution or bail determination criteria or anything else. Supercharge his indictment proceedings and make this happen. Now!
Madoff whisteblower wants to be left alone from Scott Malone (Reuters) and from The Big Picture (The Madoff Whistleblower) - seems like Harry Markopolos might be ready to testify before congress - but has been fervent in his efforts keep that singular focus. A former colleague suggests that its not about a movie or a book deal, its about seeing an error and correcting it, pure mathematics and risk management mindset. That's Harry. I believe this could make his testimony even more interesting (tentatively scheduled for the end of January?). This reminds me of the importance of doing the right thing at the right time. Timing is critical.
And the net of Uncle Bernie stretches even wider. The depth of the unraveling, and the other sundry illegalities continues to be so astounding. As Alexandra Penny said on CNN's piece last night in regards to his behavior, his being, "that is not human". and off to Brazil we go(The Brazilian Connection in the Madoff Scandal - DealBook). What revelation will be next? As has been said, with one significant fraud exposed, it is certainly plausible that Uncle Bernie was not the only one taking advantage of the loopholes in the regulatory process (How many more Madoffs?) .
And what of the Russians, the Ukraine and gas? Israel, Hamas and the Palestinians? Lately these worldly matters have energized my thoughts of trust and confidence. That which we place implicitly in those around us. Yes, Politicians have always been "that way". Some at elevated business levels maybe even appeared that way also. It was on your home street where you experienced real people. With the way we share information now, we can be aware of so much more, of people, of places that were not on our available horizon, not providing that perspective. I have posed the question in this blog - what are we to make of this, this shift in acceptable moralities or moral deficit? Naked Capitalism (a highly rated favorite blogsite for me) posted a phenomenal piece that struck so many chords with me - the CC and cell phone companies, and of course the advertising ones for sure!! The message is the title, "Bullshit Promises" . And the differentiation between lies, white lies, and bullshit. Well written and on the mark from my perspective. The basis being the titled paper by Curtis Bridgeman and Karen Sandrik looking at deception and contractual law. Very cool stuff.
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