Sunday, February 22, 2009

Harmonic Muck: Stanford-Madoff-Abramoff-Blagojevich-Wyma

Linked? Many thanks to some excellent work at and a couple of recent posts Stanford’s ties to Madoff helped sink him and TPMMuckraker - Harmonic Muck, they are.

I like their categorization of this mess. “a kind of harmonic convergence of recent high-profile muck”. The poetic justice of some of this is becoming more apparent. A (couple) master fraudster(s). A crooked (and now jailed) lobbyist. A disgraced Senator and other Congressional and Senate connections (Harris, Feeney, and pals hobnobbing in splendor with Antiguan dignitaries -- posted on its website. It's since removed them, but not before we saved them. You can see the slideshow here.).

Scandals. Seems like they are coming out of the woodwork at an alarming rate. Buffet's famous notion of "Those swimming naked will be exposed when the tide goes out" is playing out more than a little true. or is it just the speed and depth of information exchange these days? Sumo wrestlers and Herculean Olympic swimming medalists smoking pot? Efforts to unlock the secrets of Swiss banking. But really, scandals have long plagued human nature. I had the pleasure of seeing a recent episode of Ancient Scandals on Discovery (Scandals of the Ancient World). Evidence of alcohol, nicotine, opiate and cocaine residues. And how was this connection with what have been considered new world plants (coca, tobacco)? Most interesting and worthy of catching this.

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