Sunday, March 29, 2009

Beyond imagination

A recent read has been "My Stroke of Insight". A recount of a neurobiologist experiencing a stroke. Minute by minute. Day by day. And year over year to a recovery. The talk of the hundred's of billions of cells making up the brain and the 100 trillion cells making up our entire being is mind boggling in itself. But as I watch my children grow, and marvel at the insaneness of all those processes from conception through birth through to present day. Processes working in cohesion. Every minute of every day, our body is acquiring, analyzing, assessing, and evaluating signals. Signals to a multitude of receptors. All day long. Mostly subconsciously. Jonah Lehrer (Jonah Lehrer), one of the smarter people in the room has been busy with a new project funded by Paul Allen (Allen Institute for Brain Science). Mapping the brain, the entire brain. And Mr Allen has said, the ability of our biological computer to intake and process information has not be duplicated. This work is looking into that black box. Interestingly, the process to spiritual enlightenment is often stated as a walk forth with full faith undeterred by any preconceptions, fully accepting of what comes. As this project is designed, as one to gather data, without a theory or a hypothesis. Unusual for scientific work but will be an interesting example to follow. And the un-usualness follows further with the industrialization of the data gathering as well. They will complete the Brain Atlas data gathering in 20 months with the use of highly specialized and automated robots. What would take thousands of researchers years to duplicate.

Creating an Atlas of the Human Mind and Scientists Map the Brain, Gene by Gene

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