Monday, March 23, 2009

An ever increasing sound of ... capitulation?

The news is rife with anger, and disgust, and "we've had enough". Secretary Geithner, AIG, stratospheric earnings by hedge fund managers, shutting in natural gas, laying rigs down, unemployment skyrocketing. The AIG rout bus was a little of a bust (Protest Bust - Politics). As angry as these individuals may be, that tact seemed at little too Vietnam war protest like - not too many take it very seriously. And then there is the other side of these circumstances. Where the opportunity to use the circumstances to not only market your product, but to send a not so subtle message. Domino's, whether you like their pizza's or not, has come out of the gate with a direct shot over the bow of the hedge fund industry and wall street in general (Domino’s Pizza Rips on the 2-and-20 Set ). They put together a unique product line, and the CEO went on camera. With lots more downside still anticipated, makes one wonder just how far the general populice will take this.

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