Friday, March 13, 2009

My Own Cherry Picking of the Cramer-Stewart Anchor War

"If I listened to CNBC, I'd have a million dollars today .... but then I would have had to start with $100 million."

"I gottalot of money riding on this John, bettin' on Jim Cramer is the only way I can make the money back I lost listening to Jim Cramer." (John Corbet soliciting a bet from Jon to take a dive)

" ... the difference is real market versus unreal market......two markets......... we are capitalizing your adventure with our 401k's... "

" .... maybe you could cut down on that." (in response to Jim's reference that he had 17 hours of live tv daily)

" ... I understand you wanna make finance entertaining, but its not a f*cking game."

" ... disingenuous at best, and criminal at worst."

" ... they burn the house down built with our money, and walked away rich as hell ... "

It is not the regulators or bankers or anyone else, it is the individual that makes the decision to do the things they do. They do this in a sober and concious manner. No one held a gun to anyone's head. Individual, independent people.

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