Friday, March 13, 2009

This can't be good....or maybe it could be

The Leader of America's largest ceditor has openly stated that he is "worried" about the safety of their investments and wants assurances that they are safe. Maybe a bailout or rescue package is in line for China too? What would it be that they could give? Whatever the reality of the concern, and they genuine reasons for thinking that way, the perception, the announcement to the world, on television. That says more to me that anything. I will be very interested in the folowup to this event.
Or maybe the contrarian view might be that this is a realization that the rest of the world is finally "safe" to make such statements. Maybe sentiment across the globe has reached a point that such statements will now become more accepted, and realistic action taken to move the financial system forward with global interests having an unusual opportunity to take a leg up. While recognizing economic power has been shifting for years, this particular event is an important piece to be added to the evidence. There has been tremendous discussion regarding emerging powers, and where will the US play its part in the new world order. Time will tell but there is definately a shift occuring. China’s Premier Wen ‘Worried’ on Safety of Treasuries ... and China's Wen Worries About Safety of Treasuries, Asks for Reassurance

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