Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Dubai & Greece Downgbrade and some immediate fallout

Dubai and Greece have been handed downgrades in debt , not that ratings mean anything.  Not that anything means anything.  But, this anything has put pressure of the Euro and has more importantly triggered a debt repayment clause.  Are the dominos lining up, or just another blip on the vast horizon of golbal debt challenges?

Greek and Dubai debt in downgrade

CITY A.M. - Harry Banks - ‎5 hours ago‎
INVESTOR confidence in Dubai took a fresh knock yesterday after Moody's slapped adowngrade on six government-related firms and officials dithered over a ...

Euro falls to 1-month low vs dollar after debt downgrades

Reuters - Rika OtsukaAnirban Nag - ‎31 minutes ago‎
The timing of Greece's downgrade, coming soon after the Dubai shock, led to a sell-off in the euro, stocks, commodities and higher-yielding currencies. ...

Moody's Downgrades Dubai Companies

Wall Street Journal - Stefania Bianchi - ‎16 hours ago‎
DUBAI--Ratings agency Moody's Investors Service on Tuesday downgraded the credit worthiness of a raft of Dubai government-controlled ...

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