Very interesting video interview with Jim Rogers doing a question and answer session with Lew Rockwell and Ludwig von Mises Institute members in Alabama. The video is rather long but well worth your time. Here’s a chronological list of all the subjects Jim Rogers addressed:
- Protecting yourself with sound currencies and hard assets / real assets
- Learn from history
- Rice, Silver, Gold, Farmland, Timberland, Bonds, Paper Money
- Why he moved to Singapore —> Education + Learning Mandarin
- Debtor nations vs. creditor nations
- Conventional wisdom
- The US going the same way as the UK when it was an Empire
- Leaving the US and seeking opportunity elsewhere
- Why children in the 21 st century must learn at least a second language
- Giving up American citizenship and implications on paying taxes
- Rare Earths and China
- Austrian Economics
- Brazil and its natural resources
- European Union and the likelihood of EURO disintegration
- Canada will do better than the US
- Renminbi might replace the US Dollar as reserve currency
- Ben Bernanke monetizing debt
- Fort Knox and the Fed should be audited
Once the video starts playing change the settings to watch in HD quality. Enjoy!
When all the experts and forecasts agree – something else is going to happen. – Bob Farrell
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