Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A Veritable Feast, A Smorgasbord (RT)

This story reminds me of a similar story.  One from the Arctic Coast.  A bowhead whale carcass had run up the beach, west of Paulatuk on the Arctic Coast.  Many grizzly bears had congregated there.  And the story goes that they were all so well nourished, that they appeared almost 'drunk', and in a stupor, so fully satiated as they were.  You can bet that their upcoming winter sleep was rather comfortable - at least from that perspective.

This story of the sharks is equally amazing, many individuals gorging themselves, a veritable feast, Smörgåsbord like, all at will.

RussiaToday | November 10, 2010
A pack of tiger sharks has been spotted feeding on a huge whale carcass near Rottnest island off the Western Australian coast on Tuesday. Fishermen and boat operators were warned to stay away as state fisheries officials inspected the area, local media reported. Rottnest Island lies near the state capital of Perth. The sharks are believed to be juveniles tiger sharks measuring up to two meters long. But fisheries officials said bigger sharks could soon be lured to the area, local media reported.
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