Friday, January 28, 2011

Fuel for America's transport needs (BitTooth Energy Blog)


When groups such as OPEC try to predict the future demand for oil and petroleum products, one of the significant factors in that analysis lies in the demands of the US transportation sector. I have intermittently tracked those numbers, through the Vehicle Miles Travelled plot which the FHWA publishes each month, and here is the latest plot, which includes figures through last November. Bear in mind that this is a rolling 12-month total of miles travelled.

12 month rolling total of vehicle miles travelled in the USA (FHWA)

It is becoming increasingly evident that the plot has returned to a steady increase that has now been sustained at about the same rate as being maintained up to the earlier peak.

The question now comes, as evidenced by the remarks of London’s Mayor, as to how much higher the price of gasoline/diesel fuel will rise before it, once again, has an impact on overall growth. Overall growth was around 1.1% in November, up more than the annual average increase of 0.7%. 

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