Thursday, September 15, 2011

Black Swan Capital - A One Hand Clapping REACTION?

The growth emanating from the global economy seems analogous to the sound of one hand clapping.  For the mystics among us, they can still hear the growth engines humming.  Many of us hear the sound of screeching; the noise one hears just before a train wreck.  Others are likely asking: Who coined such gibberish as the sound of one-hand clapping anyway? 

The sound of one hand clapping is a phrase from the lore of Zen Buddhism.  It is a koan, as I understand it.  According to the "trusty" Wikipedia: The purpose of kōans for a Zen practitioner is to become aware of the difference between themselves, their mind, and their beliefs, which influence how they see the world; and, ultimately, to help them realize their true nature. Once a Zen practitioner becomes aware of their mind as an independent form, the kōan makes sense and the teaching point is realized.

Well there you go boys and girls, all clear now, as my Canadian friends say, eh? 

I was thinking about sharing the above with my neighbor, who struck up a conversation with me on my drive way yesterday.  I left the bunker aka Black Swan international headquarters and highly sophisticated trading floor full of quants running rampant (most of that was embellishment; actually all of it was) to get my mail, the US Postal variety; my neighbor intercepted me to discuss the market (he knows I do something financial so why not) ...  

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