Monday, September 19, 2011

Risk Taking: Perspective is Everything (EconMatters)

Monday, September 19, 2011

Rogue Traders: A Reflection of The Modern Society (Guest Post)

By Kurt Cobb

Last week authorities apprehended a trader for UBS, the huge,
 international Swiss bank, on suspicion that he lost $2 billion of 
the bank's money in unauthorized trades. It's not the first time 
something on this scale has happened. In 2008 a trader at 
Société Générale, the giant French bank now so much in the 
news, lost $6.7 billion of that bank's money in supposedly 
unauthorized trades before he was caught.

My question is quite simple. If these traders had made billions for their institutions instead
 of losing them, would they have been labeled "rogue" and handed over to the authorities?
 I ask this question because it seems to me that what is being punished is not excessive 
risk-taking, but rather excessive risk-taking that loses money. Almost nobody labels 
risk-taking "excessive" if it results in a win. Then it is called "brilliant" or "gutsy" or "a 
stroke of genius." And, people who take such risks get large bonuses and are promoted.


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