Thursday, September 29, 2011

Trading: Teaching yourself about yourself

One of the more poignant lessons I learned from trading (so far) is trading teaches you more about yourself than you probably ever wanted to know.  I had always considered myself rather disciplined.  NOT.  I had always considered myself rather patient.  NOT.  I had always considered myself rather open to new perspectives.  NOT.  I never really considered myself to have hard fast limitations to new opportunities and blown expectations.  NOT.  For all of these attributes, my 'perspectives' have been indelibly shifted.  Trading NEEDS  you to be all of these things, at different times and in different ways.  The trick is finding the flow and going with it.  Watching and Learning.  Trading On!

Master yourself, then markets

The global financial crisis signaled the end of an era, the so-called “Great Moderation” characterised by the inexorable rise in stocks and house prices amidst relatively low inflation and strong economic growth. The recession that has followed has caused financial pain for many, undermining the trust in the financial profession. Many of those disillusioned with the industry have the drive and capacity to take control of their own financial future. But they lack the skills, knowledge and framework to make this happen.

Further compounding this dilemma, we are now passing into the “Great Volatility“, a long period of high risk, extreme market volatility, economic and financial stress with unknown inflationary or deflationary pressures. Beyond the analysis and the punditry, its now time to make a choice. Are you going to be a spectator, a wishful observer, or are you going to do something about it?


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