Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Structure of Nature: Mystery and Fascination at The Nikon Small World Photomicrography Competition (Boston Globe - Big Picture)

ORIGINAL SOURCE & many other astonishing photographs of nature from different perspectives.

Thomas Deerinck of the National Center for Microscopy and
 Imaging Research in La Jolla, Calif. captured HeLa (cancer) cells
 at 300x magnification with 2-photon fluorescence. (Thomas Deerinck) (link)

A water flea (Daphnia sp.) and green algae (Volvox sp.) captured
with darkfield and flash by Dr. Ralf Wagner of
Dusseldorf, Germany. (Dr. Ralf Wagner)(link)

The double compound eyes of a male St. Mark's fly (Bibio marci)
photographed with reflected (episcopic) diffuse illumination by
Dr. David Maitland of Feltwell, UK. (Dr. David Maitland)  (link)

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