Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Black Swan Capital - Festive Libations All Round - the on the house economy!

More happy juice for the financial economy - a dangerous game! 
 I received an email the other day from a reader who concluded because I am experiencing a particularly enjoyable outbreak of schadenfreude (my word, not his), thanks to the demise of the Eurozone single currency experiment, I "must be a nasty drunk."  Actually, having quite a vast sample size to work with, I must disappoint said reader again; I am actually a pretty happy drunk overall.   And on reading Taki's comments appearing in his November 12th Spectator column, I tipped my glass to him for summing up one of the key reasons I am dead set against the euro succeeding.  The Eurozone seems bad for people who have a preference for liberty over security.  
 Currency Currents 30 November 2011

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