Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Us and Them Scenario played out for real (Economic Policy Journal)


OUTRAGEOUS: Bernanke Briefing Elitists in Advance of Fed Moves

If you ever suspected the financial game was rigged against you and in favor of the elitist banksters, new evidence has emerged that you are absolutely correct. WSJ's Susan Pulliam reports on the edge Fed chairman Ben Bernanke and other Fed officials are giving the insider elitists. Read this and weep:
Hours after an Aug. 15 meeting with Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke in his office, Nancy Lazar made a hasty call to investor clients: The Fed was dusting off an obscure 1960s-era strategy known as Operation Twist.

The news pointed to a boom in long-term bonds.

It was a good call. Over the next five weeks, prices on 10-year Treasury bonds soared, offering double-digit returns in an otherwise dismal year.

By the time the Fed announced its $400 billion Operation Twist on Sept. 21, the window for quick profits had all but slammed shut.

Ms. Lazar is among a group of well-connected investors and analysts with access to top Federal Reserve officials who give them a chance at early clues to the central bank's next policy moves, according to interviews and hundreds of pages of documents obtained by The Wall Street Journal through open records searches. Ms. Lazar, an economist with International Strategy & Investment Group Inc., wouldn't comment for this article.

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