Saturday, June 9, 2012

Barron's Roundtable Midyear Review

Barron's Cover

 | SATURDAY, JUNE 9, 2012

Caution: Sharp Turns Ahead

Our panelists see more pain for the global economy, but gains for careful stockpickers.

Whether you jump off a fiscal cliff, shoot at lame ducks, sail on the QE3, or just try to pick winning stocks, the second half of the year promises to be an adventure. Consider our midyear update -- distilled from phone conversations with all 10 members of the Barron'sRoundtable -- your guidebook to the wild and possibly crazy months ahead.
As you'll soon learn in detail, the investment legends on our panel are plenty worried about the state of the world, in particular Europe, where sovereign debt woes could lead to more bank failures and mounting investment losses. They are concerned about China's slowing economy, as well, and the so-called fiscal cliff in the U.S. -- namely, the one-two punch of automatic tax hikes and spending cuts that will take effect next year unless Congress reaches an agreement by the end of its lame-duck session to delay or rescind them.

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