Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Worked Wonders on Regulatory Process for MGP - NOT!

Opposition to controversial project builds

Enbridge will offer aboriginal and Metis groups a stake in the controversial Northern Gateway pipeline, which faces growing opposition from First Nations and environmental groups over the project to ship oilsands crude to the West Coast.

The Calgary-based energy and pipeline giant will be offering First Nations along the pipeline route at least a 10 per cent equity in the $5.5-billion Alberta-to-British Columbia bitumen line, chief executive Pat Daniel said Tuesday.

Enbridge expects talks initiated in November to continue to mid-December, with the deal providing indirect rather than direct financing to the groups.

"I think they are going to be pretty happy with what we work out with them," Daniel told reporters after a presentation at the Chamber of Commerce. "But because we have individual discussions underway, I don't want to go into details of it."


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