Wednesday, February 25, 2009

More Muck

As the stomach churns, that's how we sometimes referred to the daily soap opera, As the World Turns. The Sir Allen affair is beginning to look like it has legs to compete in that league. I posted Harmonic Muck: Stanford-Madoff-Abramoff-Blagojevi... a couple of days ago. How about a Veep offspring? The story appeared substantially yesterday and had flavourings of a royal ascent to Senatordom for Hunter and quirky financial connections with Stanford money. Biden’s son, brother had business ties to Stanford empire might be headlines and intrigue readers, but according to Biden's boss in last night's speech, "Nobody messes with Joe," the president said, as the vice president earned the only explicit shout-out given to an administration official. Guess we'll have to wait and see how this plays out. (Senator) Obama was a recipient of the Stanford's lobbyist flow of cash and as with others is returning the dough. The connection between Biden and Stanford may be superficial but the manner and degree to which these two entities are connected lends itself to suspicion.

Another full and fresh look at the Sir Allen story can be found here (The Sir Allen Stanford Story: The Emperor Has No Clothes Revisited). I'm sure more details will be forthcoming.

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