Sunday, January 8, 2012

Accredited up the YingYang - Doubt has been cast (SFChronicle)

Nancy Black, a fully and widely accredited Marine Scientist has had doubt cast over her integrity, and her career.  I'm not sure we will ever learn all the intricate details.  The complexity of these issues makes for difficult interpretations.  And creates a ripe opportunity for manipulation and cover-up - on both sides of the case.

Nancy Black, a noted Monterey Bay marine biologist, steers her whale-watching boat, Sea Wolf II in 2010.
A noted Monterey Bay marine biologist who operates a whale-watching business has been indicted by a federal grand jury on charges she illegally fed killer whales in protected waters and lied to investigators.
The case pits Nancy Black, 49, whose research has been featured on National Geographic and the Discovery Channel, against government officials enforcing the Marine Mammal Protection Act, which bars the feeding or attempted feeding of a marine mammal in the wild.
Black fed a killer whale in April 2004 and again in April 2005 while operating her whale-watching business, Monterey Bay Whale Watch, according to the indictment handed down Wednesday by the federal grand jury in San Jose. Monterey Bay is one of 13 federally protected national marine sanctuaries in the United States.
The indictment said Black also altered a video recording that federal investigators had demanded of an October 2005 whale-watching trip in which an endangered humpback whale may have been harassed.

Read more HERE

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